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Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Christmas Greetings from the Charente Maritime
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Customer comment
21st-28th July 2012
We had a wonderful week at Le Pressoir - every minute we weren't at the beach, Corey was playing with the other children (thanks Louis!) and we were relaxing. The facilities here were everything you might ever need, and Nigel, Suzie, Louis & Eleanor made it feel like a home from home. We're very sad to leave!
The Luke family, Wales
14th-28th July 2012
Thankyou for an amazing holiday. We enjoyed every minute, the gite, the gardens and pool and excellent weather!! We have enjoyed visiting the local area. La rochelle is beautiful and the islands surrounding. the boys have loved playing with Louis and all the other children. We will definitely be back. Thank you again.
Sam, chris, Taylor & Mason
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Monday, 13 February 2012
Family History
During the Summer of 2011 we had two very nice couples stay with us from
Here is his story.
You are indupitedly a Gentleman for taking the pictures of the Street of the Gentlemen. Could it be otherwise? Thank you so much for that.
I have to confess that I have never left
The day we visited the archives was amazing and that is all due to you driving us. I am glad that you offered because it wore on my nerves having two very nervous passengers in the back of the car.
Anyway onto the news about
If I repeat myself then please bear with me. Some of the stuff I attach and tell you may be able to help Louie or Ellie with a homework assignment. It will certainly be a talking point for your visitors at drinks around the Pool.
Jean Pierre Vignaud has translated all the documents we found that day. Imagine if we had done more than one day!
He has also been urging me (gently) to write about the Gerald family for the Cercle Genealogique de Saintonge, which i am a member of and I have also been in touch with the St Savinien connection. Madame Monique Godinaud, the wife of the Mayor and her three "amis" in their small Genealogical circle. They could not have been nicer to me in their letters. (more of that later)
Following his translations, it was apparent that Pierre Gerald and Esther Grandin lived in this street for a long time.(Since 1691) Pierre died in 1712 and in one of the documents, a Marriage contract between Madeleine Abbey and Paul Duran in 1719 Esther still lived there. Madeleine Abbey was the Niece of Esther Grandin. Her son Pierre Issac Gerald was her Guardian because her parents were dead. It appears that the owner of the house was a relative of either the Gerald or Grandin connection.
Pierre Gerald's father came from St Savinien and he was a merchant Hat maker/seller. (looking back at these times it is amazing to see how many of the professions have disappeared).
Louis XIV was King by this time and he was staunchly Catholic (even though he had many mistresses and had many illegitimate children). This was a state of Politics rather than Christianity. Control of the populace was always done through the local priest and any dissenters, like the Protestant Huguenots were a Political menace. The Huguenots were educated and also industrious. They could read and write, which was a skill only the Catholic clergy and the Nobility had had up until their emergence. So the whole deal was about control.
In these times the King exercised control over everything, including Trade and Taxes. (The Taille (used for maintenance of armies etcf) and the Gabelle (a Tax on Salt which was used for curing food)). He is famous for a couple of quotes. Such as L'etat ces moi. I am the state and Apres moi le deluge. After me the flood.
Anyway back to the Huguenots. The terms of the Edict of Nantes were gradually whittled away but edict after edict and by the 1690's places like Saintonge and
In 1681, the area was hit by the arrival of Dragoons, who were billeted on the Protestants. The people had to feed them, pay their wages and all sorts of other things were done to them until they abjured. Many of the Protestants didn't and went onto leave
The ones who left kept their Faith and the ones who stayed basically said the words but didn't mean it. They had to attend te catholic Church and their children had to be baptised into the Catholic rite.
In 1684 the Protestant temple had its last service and was torn down (from Louis Delmas the Huguenots of
Pierre and Esther Grandin married in 1691 and so the Edict had been signed 6 years before. I found the church document (St Sauveur, La Rochelle.) where Esther Grandin and her Mother and siblings abjured in Sept 1685. I have also found all of children of Esther Grandin and Pierre Gerald, baptised in St Sauveur church in
Sorry to be so long winded. The most information I have found out about the Gerald's has been Pierre Isaac Gerald, their eldest surviving son. He married Anne-Elizabeth Colbert (the descendent of the Colbert's who invented Sel de Colbert of
I was shocked to find by doing a google search that Pierre Isaac Gerald was a Slave trader. More research and I found a chap called Mettas had done a work in two volumes of all the Slave Trade voyages from La Rochelle (and the rest of France) in the 18th C (1700's). So I bought the book. It cost $200 but was and is worth every penny. The archives in
At the same time I found an article published by the Geographical society of Rochefort about Jacques Dupin and his Slave trading adventures. Written by a lady called Danielle Pouzache who wrote about him as part of a Masters at
All of the merchants were protestants and they all married into each others families. Jacques Dupin was the chairman of the Chamber of commerce in
All of this then led me to the Merchant ventures they embarked on. Mainly with Saint-Domingue and the
They traded in Slaves, Coffee, Indigo, sugar and other goods.
To pause in the story. I have copied all of the 1700's slave voyages from
I have attached the two files I mentioned. One is called de Pont because it is the name all the others are related too. There is a filter on the spreadsheet so you can choose an armateur and see how many voyages they did to get slaves. The Dupin family did 42 (as well as other merchant adventures).
Henry Gerald (the younger brother of Pierre Isaac Gerald) was my direct ancestor. He left France in 1717 and traveled to Holland and then 2 years later to England I am sure now that he left to enhance the mercantile range of the Gerald's and not because he was Huguenot.
There is more but thats it for now. I haven't even started writing a lot of this up yet.
Best wishes to you all.
Fred and Sandy.